Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Lub Tsheb Roj Teeb Charger 12v - K300 charger QC 3.0 ceev ceev - Be-Fund

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Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Lub Tsheb Roj Teeb Charger 12v - K300 charger QC 3.0 ceev them - Be-Fund Detail:

Qauv k300 ua
nkag 110-240V ~ 50 / 60Hz 0.5A (MAX)
Tso zis DC5.0V-2.4A tso zis 2: DC5.0V-1A
Xim dawb
Loj 38 × 70 × 25.5 hli
Plhaub khoom ABS + PC nplaim retardant khoom, nto tiav
  Tus neeg sawv cev Lag luam wholesale
V8 10 18.5 Nws
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Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Lub Tsheb Roj Teeb Charger 12v - K300 charger QC 3.0 ceev ceev - Be-Fund cov duab nthuav dav

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